Foto: Vida Press
Amerikāņu modele Emīlija Ratadžkovski daudzkārt iekļauta pasaulē iekārojamāko un skaistāko sieviešu apkopojumos, un viņa piedalījusies neskaitāmās pikantās apakšveļas fotosesijās. Arī savus sociālo tīklu sekotājus viņa labprāt priecē ar draiskiem kadriem, kuros pozē pusplika, un atkailināšanās notiek tik bieži, ka dažiem viņu labpatīk dēvēt par pasaulē neķītrāko modeli.

Tiesa, lai gan modeles fanu armija ir gana iespaidīga, viņai netrūkst arī nelabvēļu, kas uzskata – Emīlija jau sen pārkāpusi visas robežas un drīzāk dēvējama par piedauzīgu, nevis neķītru kārdinātāju. Šonedēļ daiļavu publiski kaunināt meties britu žurnālists un TV raidījumu vadītājs Pīrss Morgans.

Tie, kas seko līdzi notikumiem pasaules šovbiznesā, noteikti būs kaut ko dzirdējuši par Morganu. Viņam nekad pēc vārda ķešā nav jāmeklē, un žurnālista nežēlastībā kritušas daudzas supervaigznes, kuras viņš nav kautrējies publiski nopelt.

Ratadžkovski nesen piedalījusies izdevuma "Love Magazine" pikantā adventes kalendāra filmēšanā. Glancētais žurnāls ik dienu savā "Instagram" foto blogā publisko seksīgu sižetiņu, kurā pusplika tapusi iemūžināta kāda modele vai cita zvaigzne.

Modele savus fanus kārdinājusi ar ainām, kurās viņa, tērpusies apakšvelā, pavedinoši mielojas ar spageti un vārtās makaronos. Apetīti rosinošais klipiņš dažās dienās noskatīts simtiem tūkstošus reižu, tomēr ne visi priecājušies par redzēto.

Skarbu kritiku modelei TV pārraides "Good Morning Britain" laikā šonedēļ veltījis Pīrss Morgans, kurš paudis neizpratni par redzēto un aicinājis modeli beidzot pienācīgi apģērbties.

"Dieva dēļ, uzvelc taču reiz drēbes un atrodi sev normālu darbu," skatītājus uzrunājis Morgans, un visi lielākie britu tabloīdi naski steiguši pārpublicēt viņa citātu.

Savukārt sociālajā tīklā "Twitter" Morgans ironiski norādījis, ka Ratadžkovski sniegusi piemēru citām meitenēm, kā dzīvē izsisties. "Izģērbies, pavārties makaronos un tad sūdzies, ka vīrieši tevi uztver kā objektu," skarbs bijis žurnālists.

Yes, what a wonderful testament to feminist empowerment! Here’s how to get on in life girls: strip off & writhe in pasta, then complain about men ‘objectifying’ you... 🙄

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 6, 2017

🎄On the 3rd day of Christmas my true #LOVEADVENT gave to me @emrata’s amazing polemic on female empowerment. “To me, female sexuality and sexiness, no matter how conditioned it may be by a patriarchal ideal, can be incredibly empowering for a woman if she feels it is empowering to her. The way I dress, act, flirt, dance, have sex - those are my decisions and they shouldn't be impacted by men. Being sexy is fun and I like it. I should never have to apologize for that. My life is on my terms and if I feel like putting on sexy underwear, it’s for me. Personal choice is the core ideal in my concept of feminism. Katie directed us to say ‘Stay Strong’ at the end of each video and I think it's a message from one woman to another. You're watching a video of a girl grinding in lingerie or whatever else and she is looking into the camera at the end saying, ‘you do you, however YOU want to, fuck the rest’. In the wake of the Harvey fallout and women coming forward with incredible amounts of sexual harassment cases, I have been so disappointed to hear women talk about "modesty" and "our responsibility" as if we need to, yet again, adjust to make it "easier" for the rest of the world. I'm tired of having to consider how I might be perceived by men if I wear the short skirt or post a sexy Instagram. I want to do what I want to do. Feminism isn't about adjusting, it's about freedom and choice. Do you think viewers will understand that, given the current wider conversation about the sexual objectification of women? why or why not? What are the risks? This is something I've battled with personally and publicly. I've had men comment on sexy images of me online and say "this is empowering to you? Ha! I just masturbated to it so hope you feel good about yourself!" I guess that's the way people can react, which ironically, ultimately serves my point. I don't care about your reaction or what you do with my expression of self. In fact, it has nothing to do with you at all and that's the point-which is why it feels good. Ultimately, if a woman wants to wear a burka or nothing at all, it's great if it's what she wants and feels good about.”💥#STAYSTRONG Link in bio to full film

A post shared by LOVE MAGAZINE (@thelovemagazine) on Dec 3, 2017 at 1:09am PST

Spaghetti queen for @thelovemagazine 🍝 🍷

A post shared by Emily Ratajkowski (@emrata) on Dec 3, 2017 at 12:57pm PST

Seko "Delfi" arī Instagram vai YouTube profilā – pievienojies, lai uzzinātu svarīgāko un interesantāko pirmais!